Friday, July 25, 2008

Boys will be boys...

My little Joshua is a precious little boy. He has just started walking and has also started to get in to all kinds of trouble. This morning, I was checking my email on the computer and noticed that the house was strangely quiet - which normally means Joshua is getting into something he shouldn't. Now we normally keep the door to the bathroom closed because Joshua has a strange obsession with the toilet (EWWW!), but it happened to be left open this morning and as I wander around the house looking for the trouble maker I go into the bathroom and discover my son splashing around in the toilet bowl water - GAG!!! I scream and immediately dunk him in the bathtub and scrub his little body from head to toe trying to eradicate whatever discussing germs he had just come in contact with. He found the whole thing to be extremely funny and just kept looking at my like "what's the big deal mom?"

Ah, my husband says this is just a glimpse of the nasty things he will get into in the years to come. I foresee a lot of baths in our future :)


Rebekah said...

Okay...Laura told me that you are a hillarious writer and that I would really enjoy reading your blog! She was right! I can' wait to sit down and read all of your stories about Life on Red Bud Farms!!! I hope you are doing well!